Platelet Rewards FAQs
- Less than 1% of people in the U.S. give platelets. Your special gift saves lives.
- Get rewarded for your lifesaving impact.
- We will track your 2023 platelet donations and send you updates throughout the year.
- In January or February 2024, you’ll receive an email with instructions on how to claim your reward.
- Be sure your email address is correct in your Red Cross donor profile.
- Come to give five or more platelet donations in 2023 and receive one of the following rewards.

The rewards program is based on attempted platelet and plasma donations from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023, even if the donation wasn’t successful (i.e. deferral). Each attempted platelet or plasma donation will count as one donation and won’t be based on the number of units given at one donation. This helps ensure all donors are equally recognized for the time spent making donating platelets a priority. Granulocyte donations will also count toward the program. Whole blood, Power Red and donations taken as ‘sample only’ will not count toward the program.
Qualifying platelet donors who meet the criteria will receive an email in January - February 2024 with instructions on how to claim the reward. Be on the lookout for an email from the Red Cross around that time frame – the subject line will contain ‘Your 2023 Gift’. You’ll have a couple of weeks to claim your reward via the claim website portal. The reward will be based on their total platelet and plasma donations in 2023. Qualifying donors will not receive a reward when hitting each individual reward level.
Qualifying donors will be eligible to receive the corresponding reward base on total donations in 2023. A donor will also be able to choose a lower-level reward, if preferred, during the claim period in early 2024. For example, if a donor attempts 16 platelet donations, they would be eligible to earn the heathered duffle bag. If the donor would rather receive the retractable lantern instead, they can choose that reward during the claim period. However, donors won’t be able to select a higher-level reward.
Apparel size charts will be available on the claim website portal. This will allow donors to look at measurements before deciding what size to select. A link to the claim website portal will be included in the email sent to qualifying donors in January 2024.
If you qualified for a reward, claimed it by the deadline and haven’t received it by May 31, please email for assistance.
The plaques featuring donors with 18+ donations will be produced on one plaque with all achieving donors for each donation center. The donor’s name will appear as listed in the Red Cross donor profile and will be included on the plaque at the primary donation center (where the most donations for the year took place). The plaques will arrive by end of May 2024 and will be displayed near the donation center shortly after.
Please email no later than January 31, 2024 with your name, primary donation center and the donation center where you’d prefer your name to appear. If the email request is received after this date or no email is received, the name will automatically appear on the plaque for the primary donation center.
Please email no later than January 31, 2024 and your name will be removed from the plaque before it is produced. If the email is received after this date or no email is received, the name will automatically appear on the plaque.
Please email for assistance.