Type O+ Blood is Powerful
Type O+ Blood is Powerful
Over 80% of patients can receive O+ blood
Type O+ blood is given to patients more than any other blood type and that is why it’s considered the most needed blood type. Type O+ blood is one of the first to run out during a decline in donations due to its high demand and the Red Cross depends on eligible O+ donors to make blood donations on a regular basis to help ensure sufficient blood is always available.

Ibrahima Diouf is a committed Red Cross blood donor. He has donated blood to the Red Cross at least 20 times over the last twelve years.
"I donate my blood because people need it and they particularly need my blood type, O positive."
Melanie Wingard began excessively bleeding while undergoing a double fusion surgery on her back. She lost a lot of blood and needed a transfusion.
"Prior to my surgery, I didn’t think about giving blood. Now, I don’t take blood donation for granted. Everybody can afford to take a little bit of time out to help someone else."

While Ibrahima’s blood donation likely did not specifically help Melanie, it still took a special blood donor to provide this special gift for her. For every donation you make, there is a patient who is forever grateful you took the time to make a blood donation.
Your blood type is always in high demand because it is the most transfused blood type. Type O blood donors like you are needed NOW to help hospital patients locally and across the country.
Maximize Your Blood Donation

Find a Power Red donation opportunity near you.
- Red blood cells are the most commonly transfused and needed blood component.
- With a Power Red donation, you can give nearly twice the amount of red cells and help more patients.
- Power up your next blood donation – give a Power Red. Learn more.