Learn More About
Your Blood Type
Learn More About
Your Blood Type
Interested in learning your blood type? This small piece of info can be the one thing that saves your life, or the life of someone in need. 4.5 million Americans receive a transfusion each year and it’s important they receive the most compatible blood donation possible.
Pregnant mothers, trauma victims, cancer patients and premature babies all rely on healthy donors with similar blood types. And for those with rare blood types, the supply can be limited.
Fill out the form to the right for your FREE What’s Your Blood Type guide. Then, when you come in to donate, you’ll learn what your blood type is and just how big of an impact you can have as a donor.
Knowledge is power and knowing your blood type has the power to change lives in your community (and beyond).
Already know what makes your blood type special? Book a blood donation appointment to share your lifesaving gift.